الجمعة , أبريل 26 2024


The Modified Role of digital marketing in the relationship between the consumer’s purchasing behavior and increasing the market share by applying to the Nile Company for soft water and natural juices

الدور المعدل للتسويق الرقمي في العلاقة بين السلوك الشرائي لدى المستهلك وزيادة الحصة السوقية بالتطبيق على شركة النيل للمياه الغازية والعصائر الطبيعية The study examined the modified role of digital marketing in the relationship between the consumer’s purchasing behavior and the increase in the market share by applying it to …

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Oversight of the Authority of the Management in the Protection of Tourism – A Comparative Study –

الرقابة على سلطات الادارة السياحية – دراسة مقارنة – Our research entitled “Oversight of Tourism Management Authorities” concerned with monitoring the extent of the legality of the tourism management’s work. The administration’s submission to the provisions of the law in the exercise of the various aspects of its activity is …

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The Corona pandemic and its Impact on the financial performance of Private and foreign education institutions in Sudan – by Application to a sample of private universities and colleges –Sudan –

جائحة كورونا واثرها على الاداء المالي في مؤسسات التعليم الاهلي والاجنبي بالسودان – بالتطبيق على عينة من الجامعات والكليات الخاصة – بالسودان – The study addressed the Corona pandemic and its impact on the financial performance of private and foreign higher education institutions in Sudan. The problem of the study …

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The institution of the French army in Equatorial Africa between reality and professionalism (1960-2020)

المؤسسة العسكرية في أفريقيا الاستوائية بين الواقع والاحتراف(1960_2020م) French or central Equatorial Africa experienced the modern military institution, after having a good part of Africans, who were used in the ranks of the French army in colonial times, subsequently, these are the ones who will become the core of the …

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Problematic of Morocco’s protectorate French Did the Protectorate Morocco represent a break with traditional structures or continuity؟

إشكاليات “مغرب الحماية” هل شكل مغرب الحماية قطيعة مع البنيات التقليدية أم استمرارية؟ This study aims to understand and analyze the important political phase in the history of Morocco during the mentioned period. The research reviews the political aspects related to the colonization process and the development of the political …

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Journalism Legislation in Mauritania: Reality and Challenges

التشريعات الصحفية في موريتانيا :الواقع والتحديات This presentation presents the history and path of press legislation in Mauritania from its inception until the 2006 Constitution, where these legislations remained linked to political changes and the ebbs and flows and instability they experienced. Every change in the political system is often …

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The Semiotic Work of the spatial Environment in the poetry of Saalik. Urwa Ibn Al-ward as on example

الاشتغال السميائي للفضاء المكاني في شعر الصعاليك “عروة بن الورد” نموذجا This study, entitled “The Semiotic Work of Spatial Space in the Poetry of the Tramps: Urwa Bin Al-Ward as a Model,” is an attempt to reveal the manifestations of the semiotic universe in Urwa’s poetry in order to give …

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Communication means and media: a reading of origins and development

وسائل التواصل والإعلام: قراءة في النشأة والتطور This study focused on clarifying the emergence of means of communication and media since human existence and was distinguished by identifying everything that could be considered a means of expression for humans in ancient civilizations.          The research also dealt with the most …

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