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The struggle between major powers over gas supply lines in the world

صراع القوى الكبرى على خطوط إمداد الغاز في العالم

The gas file is considered the most important file in the twenty-first century. Therefore, control over gas reserve areas in the world is, for ancient and modern powers, the basis of the conflict. This is why we find in our current world that all conflict zones have energy sources behind them. In approaching this article according to the inductive approach, we will work to extrapolate the events through a group of problems, such as talking about the nature of the conflict over oil and gas supply lines, as well as talking about how Russia sought to control on the energy transmission network and the intervention of the United States of America to limit Russian dominance in the supply of energy, especially towards Europe.

Keywords: Russia, America, Gas Tube, Conflict.

Dr. Ouassfi BEN MUSSA, Researcher in international relations, Abdelmalek Saadi University Tetouan – Kingdom of MOROCCO

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