أخبار عاجلة

The institution of the French army in Equatorial Africa between reality and professionalism (1960-2020)

المؤسسة العسكرية في أفريقيا الاستوائية بين الواقع والاحتراف(1960_2020م)

French or central Equatorial Africa experienced the modern military institution, after having a good part of Africans, who were used in the ranks of the French army in colonial times, subsequently, these are the ones who will become the core of the national army in their respective countries on the eve of independence in 1960.

This army group has encountered enormous challenges, focused on defending the rights of citizens, who are experiencing difficulties with regard to the political and economic elite and also for the preservation of French interests.

The deterioration of the socio-economic state of citizens, because of bad governance in Central Africa, the military institution has lost its national professionalism in crisis management, because the military doctrine of these armies does not favor it to let the national heritage to overcome the difficulties that plague countries, with military professionalism, while keeping the spirit of nationalists.

The political elite and officers had not given importance to the Africanization of national armies so that they could defend the nation.

The research problem was the nature of the mission of the military institution of the Central African system. The researchers used the descriptive and historical method as required by the necessity of this research. The researchers reached several results, the most important of which are:

The French Equatorial Africa Group knew military service starting with the Mamluks

These countries suffered from the new military ideology that acquired its doctrine from colonialism.

Keywords: Military, Institution, Equatorial, Africa, French.

Dr. Brahim Hassan ASSILEK, Head of the History Department at the Adam Barka University of Abéché, Teacher at the Abéché Higher Training School – TCHAD

Dr. Adam Addei MAHAMAT, Teacher at Mondou University, Department of Languages and Communication – TCHAD

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