Through the study, it was found that research in the rhetoric of definition and denial in the surahs of the Holy Qur’an is one of the rhetorical methods that have a great place, because it focuses on the accurate understanding of the rhetorical methods contained in the surahs of the …
Kuran’da ‘seneleri’ ifade etmek üzere birçok kelime kullanılmasına rağmen özel bir takvimden veya hangi takvim kullanıldığından söz edilmez. Ancak özel bir takvimden söz edilmemesi ya da hangi takvime göre yılların ifade edildiğinin belirtilmemesi, birtakım yıllardan bahsedilirken Kuran’ın indiği devirde Araplar tarafından kullanılan kameri takvimin her daim itibara alındığı manasına gelmemektedir. …
أكمل القراءة »Using Artificial Intelligence tools in media learning: Attitudes and Skills
The article aimed to identify the attitudes of media students in Jordanian universities regarding employing artificial intelligence (AI) in learning in Jordan and the most prominent challenges they face in acquiring sufficient knowledge of AI interventions. In this regard, we rely on a survey approach based on knowing the attitudes …
أكمل القراءة »Translation of Humor: A Comparative Study betweenAbdullah Farea and Sameer Nassar Translations ofHemingway’s Men Without Women Short Stories
Abstract: This study investigates the translation of Sameer Izzat Nassar and Abdullah Fadhel Farea of humor in their two Arabic versions of Hemingway’s Men Without Women. It tackles the difficulties the translators faced and the strategies used by them to overcome these obstacles. The study uses Katharina Reiss’s functional model …
أكمل القراءة »Afghanistan’s Paper Money and its Fiqhi -Jurisprudential -Quality
It has been a long time since the people in Afghanistan have started doing business and meeting their living needs in a proper way. In this transaction process various items like animals, stones, grains, plants, gold, silver… have been used as a means of transaction. In the early days, trading …
أكمل القراءة »Skill in preparing research and scientific dissertations.and their arbitration mechanisms
The skill of preparing research and scientific dissertations is considered one of the basic skills that researchers in various academic fields must master. This research reviews the basic steps and methodologies used in preparing scientific research, starting from choosing the topic and defining the research problem, through reviewing previous literature, …
أكمل القراءة »The approach of the predecessors in the operative and concept
The researcher concluded that the approach of the predecessors in the operative and the concept is one of the most important chapters that should be searched for, because it entails very important provisions. Through the study, it was found that the significance of words is divided into spoken, which is: …
أكمل القراءة »The Objectives of Belief in the Names of Allah – Al-Zahir andAl-Batin: A Model
Since the names of God signify His great and perfect attributes, and since knowing God’s names leads to significant benefits in worship, along with the continuous study of the objectives (Maqasid) within theological discourse which holds great importance, the idea for this paper emerged. It aims to explore in detail …
أكمل القراءة »Digital Transformation Requirements in Primary Healthcare Projects
This study aimed to identify the main requirements that must be met to successfully implement digital transformation in primary health care projects, by identifying the basic requirements for the current technological infrastructure in health care centers and identifying the current systems and technologies used and the extent of their integration …
Kehf Suresinin ayetleri arasında gözle görünür bir bağlantı bulunmaktadır. Surenin ana teması, adı, iniş sebebi ve sureyle ilgili hadisler dikkate alındığında bu bağlantı daha fazla görünür hale gelmektedir. Surenin, kişinin dini, dünyevi ve ahiret hayatını muhafaza etme noktasında büyük bir öneme sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada, Kehf Suresi’nde yer alan …
أكمل القراءة »