الخميس , أبريل 25 2024


Lokman Suresi’nin altıncı ayetinin tefsiri ışığında hadis eğlencesi kavramı ve ilahi söylemenin hükmü”

مَـفْـهُـومُ لَـهْـوِ الْـحَـدِيـثِ وَحُـكْـمُ الـغِـنَـاءِ فِي ضَـوءِ تَـفْـسِـيـرِ الآيَـةِ الـسَّـادِسَـةِ مِـنْ سُـورَةِ لُـقْـمَـانَ Bu araştırmada, “İnsanlardan öylesi vardır ki, bilgisizce Allah yolundan saptırmak ve o yolu eğlenceye almak için, oyalayıcı, asılsız ve faydasız sözleri satın alır. İşte onlar için aşağılayıcı bir azap vardır.” (Lokman:6) ayetinin tefsiri ışığında şarkı söyleme kavramı …

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Procrastination in Islamic jurisprudence Forms – Types – Solutions

المماطلة في الفقه الإسلامي أشكالها – أنواعها – حلولها In this contemporary reality, people have been plagued by the issue of procrastination in debt performance, and monetary inflation and the disasters and wars that societies are going through have contributed to this. Weak-minded people may resort to such manifestations either …

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Revealing the efforts of scholars in explaining the sections of Sufism A critical analytical and descriptive study

بيان أقوال أهل العلم في اشتقاق كلمة الصوفية –دراسة تحليلية وصفية نقدية– The scholars did not agree on the derivation of the word Sufism, so they presented opinions through which they explained the derivation of that word, and their statements on that matter were numerous until they exceeded ten statements, …

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Religious intertextuality in the Arabic novel: contemporary visions and analytical dimensions

The novel “Aisha Descends to the Underworld” by Buthaina Al-Issa is an example التّناصّ الدّينيّ في الرّواية العربيّة: رؤًى معاصرة وأبعادٌ تحليليّة رواية “عائشة تنزل إلى العالم السّفليّ” لـ “بثينة العيسى” أنموذجًا Modern Arabic novels are a rich cultural heritage that is constantly being renewed and evolving. Their methods and …

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Total Quality Management and its effects on Banking Services Quality – Field study on banks operating in the state of South Darfur –

إدارة الجودة الشاملة وأثرها على جودة الخدمات المصرفية – دراسة ميدانية على المصارف العاملة بولاية جنوب دارفور- مدينة نيالا The study aimed to demonstrate the impact of Total Quality Management on the quality of banking services in banks operating in the state of South Darfur – By studying the impact …

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The Rote External Audit Improving the Quality of Accounting Information “A filed Study on a sample of Sudanese banks External Audit Offices”

دور المراجعة الخارجية في تحسين جودة المعلومات المحاسبة “دارسة ميدانية على عينة من المصارف السودانية ومكاتب المراجعة الخارجية “ The study addressed the role of external audit in improving the quality of accounting information. The problem was represented in the following question: “What is the role of external audit in …

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The Reality of Microfinance in Yemen Amidst Armed Conflict”

“Silahlı Çatışma Ortamında Yemen’de Mikrofinansın Gerçekliği” واقع التمويل الأصغر في اليمن في ظل النزاع المسلح Microfinance services are a powerful tool for stimulating economic development, especially in impoverished and conflict-affected regions. This study aims to shed light on the reality of microfinance in Yemen under the conditions of war, identifying …

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