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العدد الثالث والخمسون

واقع الصيد البحري والزراعة المائية في ليبيا مقارنة بالعالم العربي والعالم الآخرThe reality of marine fishing and aquaculture in Libya compared to the Arab world and the rest of the world.

Fisheries play key roles in the human food supply. Fish are among the most traded food commodities, and in many countries, fisheries make an important contribution to sustainable in come. There are several factors that have contributed to the decrease in fish production from seas, oceans and other water bodies, …

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The study addressed the topic. Metonymic imagery and its denotations in the poetry of Hassaballah Mahdi Fadlah is the title of this study, in which we will present all types of metonymic images in an applied study through which the various methods taken by the poet to clarify his idea …

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Problems of Including the Meanings of the Deleted Sentences When Translating the Holy Qur’an

This study aims to know the grammatical and semantic obstacles in rendering deleted sentences in the Holy Qur’an, as deleting sentences is one of the most prominent types of deletion in the Holy Qur’an, which is that the sentence is deleted in writing while its meaning remains understood from the …

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دور التّدريب في تَميُّز الأداء الإداريدراسة حالة: مؤسّسة اليتيم التّنمويةThe Role of Training in Achieving Administrative Performance ExcellenceA Case Study of Orphan’s Development Foundation

The study aimed to determine the role of training programs in achieving administrative performance excellence within Orphan Development Foundation. The study population consisted of all employees at the Orphan Development Foundation, with a total number of 55 employees. A questionnaire was designed to collect field data on the study variables. …

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المصادر المُؤَسِسَة لمنهج ابن الجزري في كتابه النشر في القراءات العشرİbnü’l-Cezeri’nin On Okumada Yayınevi adlı kitabındaki yaklaşımının kurucu kaynakları

İmam İbn-i Cezeri, okuyucuların ve modernistlerin şeyhi, ifa ehlinin ve yüceltilenlerin imamı, zamanından günümüze okuma ve tonlamada dünyanın şeyhi olmuş, bu eser ilminin ve delil zincirlerinin kökenlerini birleştirmiş ve yukarıdakilerin bir özetini yazmış ve bu ilmi düzeltmenin yolunu ayırmıştır; Bu araştırma, onun belgeleme ve atıf konusundaki yaklaşımını ve bölümlerin ve …

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واقع أداء معلمي اللغة العربية في المدارس الثانوية الفرنسية الحكومية بمدينة سار(دراسة وصفية تحليلية تقويمية)THE REALITY OF THE PERFORMANCE OF ARABIC LANGUAGE TEACHERS IN FRENCH PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE CITY OF SARH) a descriptive, analytical and evaluative study )

The research problem emerged from the researcher’s consciousness that French public secondary school students spend a long period of time and learning the Arabic language without mastering any of the Arabic language skills, and also the lack of necessary strategies, pedagogical methods, styles, professional aspects in the teaching process of …

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مقابلة تفسير الخوارج بضوابط التفسير”Encountering The lnterpretation of The Kharijites with The Standards of Interpretation”

The title of the research is “Encountering The lnterpretation of The Kharijites with The Standards of Interpretation”. It starts with the introduction followed by the entry,Definition of interpretation, its purpose and importance,and conditions of interpretation.Then the extent of the Kharijites’ interpretation and its description.The importance of interpretation standards, after that …

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تأثير بعض المستخلصلت النباتية على عملية إنبات ونمو بادرات القمحEffect of some plant extracts on the germination and growth, of wheat seedlings(Triticum aestivum L.)

This study was conducted in the Botany Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University o ELmergib, during the year 2021-2022. A completely randomized design (CRD) was used with three replicates for each treatment of plant extracts, with the aim of studying the effect of these extracts on the germination …

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الحقوق المعنويَّة وأحكامها-Manevi Haklar ve Hükümleri

The paper addresses a topic closely related to contemporary reality: the issue of abstract rights, their meaning, legal status, and the perspectives of various Islamic jurists on the matter. It explores references made by classical scholars to this issue, examines the views of contemporary scholars, and provides an analysis of …

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رتبة التقديم والتأخير ومفهومها في القرآن الكريمThe rank of advance and delay and their meaning in the holy quran

Introduction and delay are important rhetorical methods in the Arabic language, as they reflect high eloquence, fulfilling semantic purposes in the shortest phrase and briefest way. It has been mentioned extensively in the Holy Qur’an, and this method appears frequently in verses of rulings and methods of dialogue. Mostly, the …

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