أخبار عاجلة

Employing The Holy Hadyith in jurisprudential rulings – the Basmalah in surat Al- Fatihah as an example –

توظيف الحديث القدسي في الأحكام الفقهية – البسملة في سورة الفاتحة أنموذجاً –

The Hadith e QUDSE had a great importance in explaining the provisions of the Qur’an and confirming its meaning, as it is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet and it is in second place after the Holy Qur’an in terms of meaning because it did not come as a legislator like the Prophet’s Hadith, as it is the second source of legislation after the Holy Qur’an. However, the Hadith e QUDSE did not receive its share like the Prophet’s Hadith. From the point of view of its use in the Holy Qur’an, due to the many doubts surrounding it, as it is a single narration, I decided to research it and showed that the sacred hadith has its place in the Holy Qur’an. It has been used by commentators to use it as evidence under certain conditions, and they agreed to accept it unless it contradicts what the Holy Qur’an stipulates. It is not taken into account.. The authentic hadith e QUDSE are based on Provisions, such as the hadith mentioned in Surah Al-Fatihah, “I divided the prayer between Me and My servant into two halves.” So I used it to explain whether the besmalah is from Surat Al-Fatihah or is it not one of it, and I spoke about the opinion of scholars about it, some of whom considered it to be a blessing, some of them said it is to separate the surahs, and some of them said it is to separate the surahs. He said that it is a verse from Al-Fatihah and not any other, and there was a great deal of disagreement about it, unanimously agreeing that the Besmala is a few verses from Surat An-Naml, the conclusion of my research with the most important results, recommendations, and the opinion to which I was inclined, mentioning the reason and source.

Keywords: Hadith, Al-QUDSE, Employment, Protest.

Doç.dr.Dhuha SALIH, Lecturer at the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Sharia, Yalova University – TÜRKİYE

Nusaibah Hashim ABBAS, Postgraduate student at the faculty of sharia, Yalova university- TÜRKİYE

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