أخبار عاجلة

Problematic of Morocco’s protectorate French Did the Protectorate Morocco represent a break with traditional structures or continuity؟

إشكاليات “مغرب الحماية”

هل شكل مغرب الحماية قطيعة مع البنيات التقليدية أم استمرارية؟

This study aims to understand and analyze the important political phase in the history of Morocco during the mentioned period. The research reviews the political aspects related to the colonization process and the development of the political situation in Morocco during that fateful period by tracing the political path of the Makhzen institution as an important political institution in this period. This research goes beyond prior knowledge and sheds light on some details and exclusive information related to events and key political figures active in the Moroccan Makhzen system such as leaders, ministers, scholars, sheikhs of the zawiyas, and others.

The study is based on a documented analysis of available historical and archival sources. The evidence presented in the research is based on a variety of sources and references.

The results indicate that this was a decisive period in the history of Morocco, as Morocco underwent a protectorate regime and thus moved from one historical stage to another in which it struggles to regain its independence from French colonialism and build an independent state. The attitudes of the French colonizer towards the Makhzen policy and the reactions to the Makhzen institution were also monitored.

Keywords: French colonisation of Morocco, Traditional structures of Morocco in the 19th century, France’s colonial policy, The French protectorate system for Morocco, Moroccan society, Moroccan political structuring, The French political apparatus in Morocco.

Ilham OUAHABI, PhD research student History major, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, kenitra – MOROCCO

Dr. Mustapha Naimi, The supervising professor

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