الرقابة على سلطات الادارة السياحية – دراسة مقارنة –
Our research entitled “Oversight of Tourism Management Authorities” concerned with monitoring the extent of the legality of the tourism management’s work. The administration’s submission to the provisions of the law in the exercise of the various aspects of its activity is not sufficient to guarantee its commitment to that. Therefore, it is necessary to surround the various management work with oversight that pushes the administration to commit to issuing decisions within the principle of the legitimacy of the administration or It cancels what was issued in violation of this principle. Therefore, the aim of the research is to identify administrative control and judicial control and their types over tourism management activity The analytical approach was used, and at the conclusion of the research, the most important conclusions were reached, which is that judicial oversight of administrative decisions is better than administrative oversight of decisions, as it is characterized by complete independence and is characterized by neutrality, integrity, and objectivity, and the most important recommendations are to amend some articles of tourism laws, including the General Tourism Authority law.
Keywords: Regulatory Authorities, Tourism Management, Tourism Control.
Saba Khudhur KAREEM, Address: Al-Shatrah University, Al-Shatrah, Thi-Qar – IRAQ, 64007.