أخبار عاجلة

Communication means and media: a reading of origins and development

وسائل التواصل والإعلام: قراءة في النشأة والتطور

This study focused on clarifying the emergence of means of communication and media since human existence and was distinguished by identifying everything that could be considered a means of expression for humans in ancient civilizations.

         The research also dealt with the most prominent means of media and communication in the modern and contemporary eras and the technological developments these means have witnessed throughout their long history. It became clear from our discussion of the topic that: The media and communication at every stage faced major challenges that clearly reduced their influence on opinion.

In studying this topic, the researcher used the historical method, and also benefited from the descriptive and analytical method. The study concluded that these means achieved significant gains at each stage for the target audience by meeting their various needs. Our analysis of the topic revealed that the old mass media faced major challenges in light of the communication environment with the emergence of electronic media.

Keywords: Means of Communication, Means of Media, Origins.

Dr. El Hadramy Ahmed Abdallahi CHEIKH, Professor of Media and Communication, the Higher Institute of Islamic Studies and Research – MAURITANIA

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