أخبار عاجلة

The Semiotic Work of the spatial Environment in the poetry of Saalik. Urwa Ibn Al-ward as on example

الاشتغال السميائي للفضاء المكاني في شعر الصعاليك

“عروة بن الورد” نموذجا

This study, entitled “The Semiotic Work of Spatial Space in the Poetry of the Tramps: Urwa Bin Al-Ward as a Model,” is an attempt to reveal the manifestations of the semiotic universe in Urwa’s poetry in order to give it a new reading in light of the transcendence of culture, and with the aim of placing it under modernist critical concepts that would contribute to drawing a cultural picture that reflects his unparallel biography. The texts of Urwa ibn al-Ward present an ideal model of the tramp who is aware of what he wants. He was a reference that summarizes all conflicts in a society that denies the existence of the other and brings to it, as antonym, the image of the “ego” which embodies different values and patterns that seek missing justice and social harmony. He also depicted in his horizon a life full of conflicts in the face of the tribe and its cultural assumptions. Urwa made of valleys, mountains, and deserts the most prominent geographical sights and spatial worlds that embraced him, and which bore witness to the manifestations of Urwa the Tramp. Each prominent sight and world had terrain characteristics with which he interacted out of a desire to survive and a will to prove himself.

Keywords: Semiotic Universe, Rebellion, Tribe, Kinghthood, The culture.

El Houcine BEN ADDI, Professor of secondary education and doctoral researcher – MOROCCO

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