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The concept of hibah and its Application among Malaysian Muslim and takaful industry

Takaful serves as a financial safeguard against any losses that an individual or their family may experience in the future. It is an Islamic substitute for traditional insurance, wherein holders of takaful certificates contribute money in the form of premiums that can be redeemed by participants when they are in need. Muslims are required to make preparations for both the now and the hereafter, or akhirah, which is the period following death. Therefore, it is necessary for someone to plan out his property management and management of other possessions while he is still living in order to do that. Therefore, takaful gives people the chance to take care of themselves and their family both during their lifetime and after they pass away, earning goodness in the sight of Allah S. W. T. According to Alias and Muhammad (2017), takaful benefits are an Islamic inheritance that ensures the contributor’s family will continue to live after his or her death. In many family takaful plans, including the takaful education plan, takaful operators use the Shariah notion of hibah to their takaful products. A gift, or hibah, is an act of generosity and affection in which the donor gives something to the recipient out of compassion or love. Its adoption in Malaysia’s Takaful sector is highly received and is undoubtedly expanding. However, as hibah is given out out of kindness and care rather than as a legal right, accurate and thorough paperwork is required to prevent any disagreements or disputes regarding succession following the giver’s passing. This essay addresses the challenges encountered throughout the Hibah implementation process while concentrating on the application of the law in the Malaysian takaful sector.

Keywords: Hibah, Takaful, Conventional Insurance, Islamic Insurance, Shariah, Malaysia, Takaful Benefits.

Sayed Razaullah JALALI, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sharia and Law. Department of Fiqa and Low at Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University – AFGHANISTAN

Abdul Hadi BASIRAT, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sharia and Law. Department of Fiqa and Law at Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University – AFGHANISTAN

Ahsanullah MADANI, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sharia and Law. Department of Fiqa and Law at Shaikh Zayed University – AFGHANISTAN

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