أخبار عاجلة

A brief look at the history of the Ad people in the Holy Quran

According to the verses of the Noble Qur’an, the people of Aad were strong and large, who lived a good and prosperous life and used their power for oppression and oppression, and lived in ignorance, they did not believe in the teachings of Hazrat Hud, their prophet, and adopted idol worship. The Ad people did not believe in any of the beliefs and principles of religion.
Denying and persecuting their prophet, slandering and lying to their prophet, denying and disbelief in the verses of Almighty God, denying and denying the existence of the Day of Resurrection, were their actions in front of their prophet. The people of Aad also had ugly and morally objectionable traits and characteristics, such as: worldliness and luxury, ignorance and ignorance, cooperation with oppressors of the people, oppression and tyranny, obedience to polytheist fathers, pride and drunkenness, actions that caused the emergence of Ugly deeds were done in them and caused them to fall and perish, as a result of which they were destroyed by divine punishment, which was a severe storm. Mentioning the story of the people of Ad in the Holy Quran has instructive purposes.
Keywords: People of Ad, Ahqaf, Aram, Hazrat Hud, Denial, Deviation, Punishment.

Professor Saeeda HAKIMI, Department of History, Member of Balkh University Social Sciences faculty – AFGHANISTAN.

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