أخبار عاجلة

Investigating some political issues in the scientific miracle of the Holy Quran

The Holy Qur’an is a permanent miracle and a complete plan for the worldly and afterlife life of mankind. Scientists of various sciences have discovered the Qur’anic references so that they can open the gates of science in this way. One of the sciences mentioned in the Holy Quran is the science of politics, politics means the method of managing society; In such a way that the material and spiritual interests of the individual people are realized, and in other words, politics is the religion of statecraft, therefore, in this definition, holiness lies in politics and, contrary to popular belief, it is not associated with trickery and deceiving others. From the perspective of the Holy Quran, there is no separation between religion and politics and both are the same. The Holy Qur’an knows all the issues related to the world, politics, society, economy, all the issues related to the side of the issue that the people of the world are not aware of. All its rulings are mixed rulings with politics. Examples of political issues in the Holy Quran are: legislation, the existence of criminal laws, preparing military equipment and forces, the quality of defense and war, and dealing with prisoners of war, preserving independence, hiding secrets, lack of friendship with enemies, social justice, the importance of council, lack of political deception, keeping promises, respecting economic principles, international relations, etc. are political issues. Some of the prophecies of the Holy Quran in politics are: The victory of divine prophets, the victory of truth over falsehood, the establishment of the true religion, and the inheritance of the righteous on earth, etc., are historical issues predicted by the Holy Quran.

Keywords: Political Miracle, Politics in the Quran, Political Verses, Legitimate Politics, Political Prophecy of the Holy Quran.

Prof. Mohammad Kazim HAKIMI, Member of the Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Sharia, Balkh University – AFGHANISTAN.

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