أخبار عاجلة

The rights of women and children during war from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and international conventions

In this article, the legal status of women and children during the war is discussed in terms of Islamic jurisprudence and international conventions. In the first step, an attempt was made to define women from a legal point of view, then an attempt was made to examine the definition of a child and the general concept of a child in Islamic jurisprudence, law and teachings, and in the next step, an attempt was made to define the rights of women and their protection. and their immunity during the war has been discussed and also about the killing of women during the war and the verdict of killing them in terms of Islamic jurisprudence and international conventions and in the next discussion about the rights and protection of children during the war their immunity And the decision to kill them has been discussed by the warring parties from the perspective of Islam and international conventions, and recently about non-compliance with the laws of protection of women and children during the war and who is responsible for the implementation of these laws? And why does it not match? And women and children are always victims of armed battles, and what measures can be taken to ensure the security and peace of these two oppressed groups and what solutions are there? To support these two groups in the right way. It has been discussed and the views of Islamic jurists and international conventions have also been considered.

Keywords: Women, Children, Rights, Protection, Convention.

Ahmad Fahim TOKHI, Assistant Professor, Member of the scientific staff of the Department of Islamic Culture, Faculty of Sharia, Balkh University – AFGHANISTAN

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