الأحد , أبريل 28 2024

العدد الخامس عشر

The Role of School Administration in Promoting Citizenship Values among Learners -Official High Schools in Tripoli City as a Model-

دور الإدارة المدرسية في تعزيز قيم المواطنة لدى المتعلمين -الثانويات الرسمية في مدينة طرابلس أنموذجًا- The study aimed to investigate the role of School Administration in promoting Citizenship values among learners in Public Secondary Schools in the City of Tripoli. The researcher relied on the descriptive and analytical approach, and …

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The impact of work pressures on the performance of teachers, in republic of Chad, the model city Abbeche, in the period between 2022/2023

أثر ضغوط العمل على أداء المعلم، بجمهورية تشاد، مدينة ابشة أنموذجا في الفترة ما بين (2022/2023) This study was conducted in the city of Absha in the year 2023 with the aim of identifying the factors causing work pressures on the performance of teachers at the secondary stage in the …

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Teaching and learning the language based on tasks and its applications in classes for non-Arabic speakers

تعلّم اللغة وتعليمها القائِمُ على المَّهَمَّاتِ وتَطبيقُهُ في صُفوفِ النَّاطقين بِغَير العَرَبِيَّة This study aims to introduce the task-based approach to language learning and teaching. It comes in two parts: the first is theoretical and it provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for this approach; starting with its various definitions and …

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The Relationship between Social Media and the Big Five Personality Factors among Secondary School Students in Sana’a Capital, Yemen”

مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقتها بالعوامل الخمس الكبرى للشخصية لدى طلبة الثانوية بأمانة العاصمة صنعاء The study aimed to identify the relationship of using social media platforms on the Big Five personality factors. The study adopted the descriptive-correlational method and used the following tools: a social media usage scale consisting of …

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The status of allegiance (bay’ah) to the rightful authority in Islam and the related issues

مكانة البيعة في الإسلام والمسائل المتعلقة بها This research discusses the topic of the legitimate pledge of allegiance (Bay’ah) to the ruler in Islam and its importance, as well as the related issues. It emphasizes that the pledge of allegiance to the ruler is based on evidence from the Quran …

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The innovative Approach of al-Qarafi in his book “Al Ihkam Fi Tamiiz Alfatawa ‘an Alahkam wa Tasarrufat Alqadi wa Al Imam – An analytical jurisprudence study –

المنهج الابتكاريّ عند القرافيّ في كتابه: “الإحكام في تميّيز الفتاوى عن الأحكام وتصرفّات القاضي والإمام” – دراسة فقهيّة تحليليّة – Islamic jurisprudence is the deepest and most fertile field of Islamic sciences, Because it is the field of legislation and the habitat of duty, It is the science that is …

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