أخبار عاجلة

The Emergence of jurists in the city of Herat

Herat şehrinde fakihlerin ortaya çıkışı

نشأة الفقهاء في مدينة هرات

When the Hanafi school of thought is mentioned, Baghdad generally comes to mind as its central hub. However, the absence of mention of certain regions doesn’t imply they didn’t contribute to the development of the school. It’s just that these cities might not have been extensively documented or received the recognition they deserve. One such city with such significance is Balh, and its associated scholarly regions, including the city of Herat. After Afghanistan was conquered by the Muslim Arabs, the reliğion of Islam was accepted in the region and the previous law was replaced by Islamic law. Students who went to Abu Hanifa’s scientific circle to study in Kufa began to spread Abu Hanifa’s views and the fiqh knowledge they had acquired in Kûfe in Afghanistan. Thus, the Iraqi Hanafi fiqh was transferred to Afghanistan. This fiqh tradition is enriched with the culture and problems of each region and develops in different ways according to the conditions of that region, and sub-schools such as “Belh school” or (meşâyih-u Belh) begin to form compared to the regions where the jurists are located. Since the states established in Afghanistan are based on Hanafism, Hanafism is also adopted by the people. Thus, important developments took place in the science of fiqh in Afghanistan and many fiqh scholars were trained, especially the city of Belh, which is known as “Daru’l-fiqh”, has a great scientific importance in Islamic culture. Science centers were established here, and Islamic fiqh was transferred to other cities from here.

I have penned my article titled “The Jurists of Herat: Contributions to the Hanafi School” due to the limited research on this subject. Throughout this work, I have highlighted the significance of the city of Herat and its contributions to the Hanafi school of thought, along with mentioning some of the prominent scholars who emerged from the region. During the course of my research, I adhered to a historical and qualitative methodology.

Keywords: Afghanistan, İslam Law, Fiqh, Balkh, Herat, Hanafi Fiqh School.

Habıbullah MURADI, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Temel İslam Bilimleri (İslam Hukuku), DOKTORA – TÜRKİYE

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