أخبار عاجلة

Contribution of electronic and social media in the development of Pashto literature

Electronic or social media are the important tools of the new age and technology, which have spread their shadow all over the world in a very short period of time. They have fans in every part of the world. The people were paying attention. Through electronic media, a lot of information is available in a short period of time. With the help of this electronic and social media, millions of books, articles, writings and information are published and millions of readers and information seekers benefit from it. Before there was no electronic media, there were very few developments in life. Public access to information was lacking. The people were unaware of the new world and did not know the technology, but when the world was overshadowed by technology and the demands of the people increased, the technology also advanced. It can be said that electronic media and especially social media have played an important role in the development of literature and are still playing it. Islamic, cultural, literary, social, political and all topics related to other areas of life are collected and presented to people in electronic media.

Keywords: Electronic, Social, Literature, Technology, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter.

Pashtun Aqha SHERZAD, Professor of Kabul Education and University – AFGHANISTAN

Taj Mohammad RAHIMI, Professor of Pashto Department of Panjsher Higher Education Institution – AFGHANISTAN

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