أخبار عاجلة

The innovative Approach of al-Qarafi in his book “Al Ihkam Fi Tamiiz Alfatawa ‘an Alahkam wa Tasarrufat Alqadi wa Al Imam – An analytical jurisprudence study –

المنهج الابتكاريّ عند القرافيّ في كتابه: “الإحكام في تميّيز الفتاوى عن الأحكام وتصرفّات القاضي والإمام”دراسة فقهيّة تحليليّة

Islamic jurisprudence is the deepest and most fertile field of Islamic sciences, Because it is the field of legislation and the habitat of duty, It is the science that is consistent and compatible with the text in order to clarify the rulings and reflects the texts on the events and facts, Thus, the process of jurisprudence is completed in terms of understanding, deduction and revelation through the jurist’s relationship with the text. The relationship of the text to reality because the text is the ruler and the criterion that establishes the concept, and the reality is the field of application in the various aspects of life, Ijtihad is the tool that conducts judgment, and it is a tool of knowing the elicitation and extraction of rulings, Thus, the process of formulating the jurisprudential ruling takes place within this tripartite equation. The text, the jurisprudence, the reality, and all this through being guided by the rules and purposes of divine legislation, which came as a mercy and benefit to all humanity. One of the greatest unique jurisprudential personalities in the history of legislation is the mujtahid Imam Ahmed bin Idris al-Qarafi, who gained exceptional importance for scholars of jurisprudence and fiqh theories. This is because he possesses an outstanding scientific and original ability and a mighty motivated mind that helped him to be creative and innovative in the field of jurisprudence, and led him to the formulation of theories of new rules in Islamic jurisprudence, especially in the field of differences between these rules, And how to answer them with a unique cognitive methodology that is a criterion and balance in evaluating the answer to legal rulings and calamities and current and future events, As well as in how to separate the similarities and differences in the legislative field, and this innovative rooting is the core of ijtihad and the pillar of the sober jurisprudential, and I relied in this research on the descriptive analytical method since it is the most appropriate method for studying jurisprudence and comparative jurisprudential researches.

Keywords: Ijtihad, Judgment, Fatwa, Differences, Rules, Qarafi.

Dr. Yusuf ALHAMOUD, Associate Professor, PhD at Fiqh and Usul, University of Tripoli – LEBANON

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