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Al-Hakim Al-Jashmi’s approach to directing Qur’anic readings through his book: Al-Tahtheeb fi Al-Tafsir in the first half of it

منهج الحاكم الجشمي في توجيه القراءات القرآنيةمن خلال كتابه: التهذيب في التفسير في النصف الأول منه

The research aimed to present the approach of Imam Al-Muhsin bin Muhammad bin Karamah Al-Hakim Al-Jashmi (d. 494 AH) in guiding Qur’anic readings through writing Al-Tahtheeb fi Tafsir in the first half of it (from Surat Al-Fatihah to the end of Surat Al-Kahf). In it, I used the inductive and analytical approach, to study his approach in directing… The Qur’anic readings, and it contains an introduction, a preface, three sections, and a conclusion. In the first section, I dealt with the imam’s approach in controlling the Qur’anic readings and their proportions, and it contains five requirements. Then the second section deals with his approach in how to list the readings and their types, and it contains five demands. Then the third section deals with the choices, reasons, and fundamentalist readings. The abnormal readings meet four requirements, and the research concluded with a number of results related to Al-Hakim’s approach in directing Qur’anic readings.

Keywords: Methodology, Al-Jashmi, Readings, Guidance, Refinement.

Jamilah Abdo Hasan AL-HEBSHI, Doctoral student, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Arts and Human Sciences, Sana’a University Republic of YEMEN

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