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دلالة تطور الألقاب السياسية في الصحافةThe Significance of the Development of Political Titles in the Press

The semantic level of language is characterized by flexibility and vitality in change, development, and transition between different languages, and this development does not necessarily have to be intentional, but rather it is spontaneous and automatic. Because language lives in the embrace of society, derives its entity from it, and …

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مشروعية المقاولات الصغرى والمتوسطة والقرب من الموارد: مقاربة التوصيف الطوبولوجي من خلال نسب شدة التركيز/اللاتركيز(النسخة العربية)SME legitimacy and proximity to resources : Test on the topological characterization by the tensive ratios of concentricity/ eccentricity(Arabic version)

Spatial interaction between the legitimacy of the SME and the proximity of resources, questions the appropriate intervention mechanisms that are mobilized by the SME during its progress towards the achievement of its strategic objectives. The proxemic device of the SME is a dedicated conceptual apparatus, allowing to mediate the densification …

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الذاكــرة، الهوية والصـورة: دراسة نظرية في الإشكالات والأبعاد العلائقيةMemory, Identity and Image : A Theoretical Study on Problems and Relational Dimensions

Discussing memory raises a range of issues and it is nearly driven by similar stakes, particularly regarding its relationship with the past and identity-related matters. There is often an overlap, and sometimes confusion and ambiguity, concerning the social, political, and cultural stakes of memory, and this ambiguity increases when trying …

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وقفات مع قوله تعالى: (إِنَّ اللهَ لاَ يَغْفِرُ أَنْ يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ‏‏ ذَلِكَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ…) الآية(دراسة تحليلية مقارنة)Pauses with the Almighty’s saying: (Indeed, God does not forgive that anyone associates anything with Him, but He forgives anything less than that to whomever He wills…) The verse(comparative analytical study)

This research means studying some issues in the Almighty’s saying: (Indeed, God does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, but He forgives anything less than that to whom He wills) a comparative analytical study. It aims to explain the following issues in the verse: Explaining the sayings …

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نظرية الفساد عند الحنفية وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة_التسويق الشبكي نموذجًاThe Hanafi Theory of Corruption and its Contemporary ApplicationsNetwork Marketing as a Model

Financial transactions are an urgent necessity in societies. They should be regulated by the controls of Sharia. By clarifying corruption and invalidity, forbidden transactions appear. This research deals with clarifying the meaning of corruption and invalidity according to Hanafi, the rule of differentiation between them, the scope of corruption theory, …

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أثر استخدام استراتيجية الصف المقلوب في تنمية القراءة الناقدة لدى طالبات الصف التاسع الأساسي مدرسة الناصرة الأساسية للبناتImpact of the use of inverted learning strategy on the development of critical reading among basic ninth grade students

The study generally aimed to demonstrate the effect of using the flipped learning strategy in developing critical reading in the Arabic language course among ninth-grade students at Al Naserah Basic School For Girls the sample consisted of 36 student aquestionnaire consisting of 12 paragraphs directed to the students was distributed …

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Implementation of International Standards on PEPs by Banks

Money laundering and corruption have a well-established connection. However, knowledge of the country’s anti-money laundering framework’s design and implementation—particularly with regard to institutional, legal, and implementation gaps—is necessary to comprehend how banks enable the money laundering of illicit proceeds of corruption from PEPs. The goal of the research is to …

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قوة تأثير التدخل الحكومي في تنفيذ برامج الاستراتيجيات والخطط التنفيذية للمؤسسات The strength of the impact of government intervention in implementing strategic programs and executive plans of institutions

This paper aims to study the strength of the impact of government intervention in implementing strategic programs and executive plans of institutions. Government intervention is one of the factors influencing business policies and enterprise management and has a significant impact on the competitiveness and overall success of companies. The study …

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أثر صوت الزبون في تعزيز القدرة التنافسية في المؤسسات التربوية (دراسة حالة المؤسسات التعليمية الخاصة في محافظة عكار) The impact of customer voice in enhancing competitiveness in educational institutions(case study of private educational institutions in Akkar Governorate)

This research aims to explore the impact of customer voice on enhancing the competitiveness of private schools. Customer voice expresses a set of opinions and comments provided by customers about educational services, which can play a vital role in improving student performance. By using an analytical methodology based on studying …

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The eloquence of definition and denial in the Noble Qur’an Surat Yasin as a model بلاغــــــة التعريـــف والتنكيـــر في القران الكريم ســـورة يــــــس نموذجا

Through the study, it was found that research in the rhetoric of definition and denial in the surahs of the Holy Qur’an is one of the rhetorical methods that have a great place, because it focuses on the accurate understanding of the rhetorical methods contained in the surahs of the …

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