السبت , أبريل 27 2024

The Poetic Diction in Abbas Arnaout’s Novel: The Convoys” The Book of Forlornness and Blood

شعرية اللغة في رواية “القوافل.. كتاب الغربة والدم” لعباس أرناؤوط This study investigates the poetic diction in Abbas Arnaout’s novel titled The Convoys…The Book of Forlornness and Blood. It is aimed at examining the correlation between novel and history; the value and theme of historical novels; the interrelation between literary …

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Mechanisms to benefit from Arabic dictionaries in the making of linguistic atlases (surrounding dictionary and enlightening lamp) as a model

آليات الاستفادة من المعاجم العربية في صناعة الأطالس اللسانية (القاموس المحيط والمصباح المنير) أنموذجا Arabic linguistic dictionaries are a fertile source for monitoring 0linguistic and linguistic manifestations that serve the language in form and content. The various language groups of different ages and their endeavors have tried to adopt more …

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The Digital Repository and its Role in Supporting Free Scientific Access: The Digital Repository of West Kordufan as a Model

المستودعات الرقمية ودورها في دعم الوصول الحر للمعلومات العلمية : المستودع الرقمي لجامعة غرب كردفان أنموذجا The digital revolution has affected scientific production, communication and ways of preserving knowledge. The technology came to allow researchers to manage their digital content. The high prices of journal subscriptions, the control of some …

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The effect of information technology in the development of business environment in Jordanian Commercial Banks

أثر تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تطوير بيئة الأعمال في البنوك التجارية الأردنية This survey study aimed to know the nature of the impact of information technology in the development of business environment in commercial banks. To collect data from respondents, (200) questionnaires, it consisted of 29 questions, were distributed to the …

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Personality type (A/B) among recurrent patients with irritable bowel syndrome at abdominal clinics in Omdurman localities

نمط الشخصية (A,B) لدى مرضى متلازمة القولون العصبي المترددين على عيادات الجهاز الهضمي بمحليات ام درمان الكبرى The study aimed at examining the personality type (A/B) among patients with irritable bowel syndrome at Internal Clinics in Omdurman Greater Localities Hospitals, who were clinically diagnosed as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The …

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The relationship between servant leadership behaviors and teachers satisfaction in El Daein secondary schools in Sudan

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the servant leadership behaviors and teachers’ job satisfaction in EL Daien secondary schools in Sudan. The research design employed was a descriptive survey with mixed approaches. The sources of data for this study were secondary school teachers and school principals. The …

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An Assessment of Authorized Car Wash Site Suitability Using a GIS-based Modeling in Khartoum City, Sudan

تقييم ملاءمة مواقع غسيل السيارات المرخصة باستخدام لنمذجة المكانية استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية بمدينة الخرطوم بالسودان The goal of this study is to assess the ability of existing car washing stations in Khartoum City using an ArcMap suitability modeling tool. Methods: In Khartoum, an increasing number of vehicle wash stations …

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Globalization and the powerful on International Management “An exploratory study for a group of international business organizations in Republic of Iraq”

The world is turning very quickly into a small village as there are no geographical borders to limit international trade, as globalization has become at the present time the buzzword in the business world today, in light of these urgent changes and in an unprecedented way that competition in international …

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The new communicative environment and its role in changing the pattern of receiving media products – A study of the Arab youth’s use of “Twitter” to follow the news of private satellite channels-

البيئة الاتصالية الجديدة ودورها في تغيير نمط تلقي المنتجات الاعلامية-دراسة في استخدام الشباب العربي لموقع ” تويتر” لمتابعة اخبار القنوات الفضائية الخاصة- Social networking sites are considered the most prevalent on the Internet, because of the characteristics that they have that distinguish them from other websites, and this is what …

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