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Personality type (A/B) among recurrent patients with irritable bowel syndrome at abdominal clinics in Omdurman localities

نمط الشخصية (A,B) لدى مرضى متلازمة القولون العصبي المترددين على عيادات الجهاز الهضمي بمحليات ام درمان الكبرى

The study aimed at examining the personality type (A/B) among patients with irritable bowel syndrome at Internal Clinics in Omdurman Greater Localities Hospitals, who were clinically diagnosed as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The sample size consisted of (120) patients, with an average age of (33.5), and Standard deviation (1.2033), they were selected by the purposeful sample, and to collecting data, the researchers used the personality typ (A/B) scale, prepared by (Howard Clazer, Arabization of Abdel Waeli, 2012), and test reliability was verified through Alpha Cronbach and split-half: (.777-.746). The study resulted in the predominance of personality type (A) among patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among the sample members, and there were no differences in personality type (A/B) among IBS patients according to (Gender, blood type), no correlation between personality type (A/B) and age. The results also resulted in a statistically significant inverse correlation between personality type (A/B) and educational level. The study concluded with a number of recommendations, including conducting factor studies on the personality type (A/B) in IBS patients, to ensure the relationship of the personality type (A) with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so that the scale can be placed within the diagnosing tools for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Keywords: Personality Type (A/B), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Omdurman Greater Localities.

Yahia Mohammed Fadul Allh MUSSA, Assistant professor – Department of psychology, Omdurman Islamic University – SUDAN.

Asma Mohammed Mustafa DAFAALLA, Assistant professor-Department of psychology-faculty of Education, Qassim –KINGDOM of SAUDI ARABIA.

Mahasin Mohamed Hasan DIAB, Assistant professor – Department of psychology-faculty of Arts Bahri University-SUDAN.

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