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The Poetic Diction in Abbas Arnaout’s Novel: The Convoys” The Book of Forlornness and Blood

شعرية اللغة في رواية “القوافل.. كتاب الغربة والدم” لعباس أرناؤوط

This study investigates the poetic diction in Abbas Arnaout’s novel titled The Convoys…The Book of Forlornness and Blood. It is aimed at examining the correlation between novel and history; the value and theme of historical novels; the interrelation between literary genres; the concept of ‘’poetic diction’’; and how such a diction has penetrated the novel genre. Henceforth, various poetic styles have been revealed in the Arnaout’s novel, such as: indicating meaning by imagery; relying heavily on the referential and structural paradoxes. In addition, the study highlights the external rhythm of the text as depicted in the novel’s alliteration, assonance, binary ironies, musical sentential parallelism, and the recurrence of refreindre.

Keywords: Literary Genres, Poetic Diction, Deviation, Intertextuality.

Hawazen ALQADI, Faculty Academic Member – Children Literature, University of Petra – Amman – JORDAN.


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