السبت , أبريل 27 2024

Katılım Bankalarıyla Finansmanın Refahı Sağlamadaki Rolü – Türkiye’deki Katılım Bankalarının Arap Müşterileri Üzerinden Bir Araştırma –

دور تمويلات المصارف الإسلامية في تحقيق الرفاهية -دراسة آراء عملاء المصارف الإسلامية العرب في تركيا- Konunun hedefi katılım bankalarıyla finansmanın refahı sağlamadaki rolü, Türkiye’deki yaşayan Arap müşterilerin katılım bankalarındaki finansman düzenidir. Yazarın kast ettiği refah Kur’an, sünnet ve sahabi sözleridir. Ve yakın zamandaki alimlerin tanımını da içermektedir. Bu bağlamda id …

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The Role of Islamic financial engineering in hedging risks and pandemics – Coronavirus as an example –

دور الهندسة المالية الإسلامية في التحوط من المخاطر والجوائح -كورونا نموذجا – The technological boom and tremendous technical development that the world is witnessing today has led to the emergence of new terms. As a term, Islamic financial engineering is considered modern, and as a transaction it is an ancient …

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The quality of work life and its impact on administrativecreativity -Mardin University as a model-

جودة الحياة الوظيفية وأثرها على الإبداع الإداري – جامعة ماردين نموذجاً – This article includes an overview of the conceptual and theoretical framework of the two main variables studied. The first independent variable, which is the quality of work, is based on the definition of work quality, and its maximum …

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The legal position of mercenaries in public international law

المركز القانوني للمرتزقة في القانون الدولي العام States have known since ancient times the phenomenon of mercenaries in armed conflicts, and their use contradicts the principles that international humanitarian law seeks to achieve, which is the prohibition of violations during armed conflicts. International law has explicitly regulated mercenaries in successive …

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Civil society and its role in achieving development

المجتمع المدني ودوره في تحقيق التنمية Interest in development is no longer limited to the state and public and elected institutions. Rather, civil society has become an important role in development, whether at the local, national or international levels. Interest in this role has increased in Morocco in accordance with …

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Development Media

الاعلام التنموي Development media emerged as a basic branch of media after the great interest witnessed by development in its various dimensions since the middle of the last century, especially for third world countries in their search for the reasons for their delay and the widening gap between them and …

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Kooperatif akitleri ve çağdaş Uygulamaları Tasarrufa dayalı finans sistemin Örneği

عقود التعاونيات وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة نظام التمويل التشاركي الادخاري نموذجا Bu makalede, Bedelli akitleri ile Teberru akitlerini birleştiren sözleşmeler olan kooperatif sözleşmeleri konusu, her ikisine de benzerlikler içermesi nedeniyle ele alınmakta, ayrıca bir Birçok ilim adamının bu sözleşmeler hakkındaki e nasıl baktığını ışık tutulmaktadır. Bu tür sözleşmeler için uygulanan model olarak …

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Persuasive methods in specialized television programs to achieve health awareness

الاساليب الاقناعية في البرامج التلفزيونية المتخصصة لتحقيق التوعية الصحية This study addresses the topic of “persuasive methods in specialized television programs to achieve health awareness.” The researcher adopted the descriptive approach consistent with the research topic, by describing the phenomena and identifying their components, while using the survey method to …

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Social media networks: Origin, concept and characteristics

شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي: النشأة والمفهوم والخصائص This study focused on the emergence of social media networks and traced the stages of development that these networks have known from their inception to the present day. From a second angle, the study addressed the most important characteristics of social networking sites and …

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The aesthetics of hysteron proteron in Arabic linguistic thought

جماليّات التَّقديم والتأخير في الفكر اللغويِّ العربيِّ The research examines a well-known phenomenon in the Arabic language, and common among grammarians and rhetoricions which is the phenomenon of (hysteron proteron), and I don’t exaggerate if I suggest that it is one of the most common phenomena in the speech of …

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