الأحد , أبريل 28 2024

العدد الرابع عشر

The challenges of e-learning in light of the application of electronic management

تحديات التعليم الالكتروني في ظل تطبيق الإدارة الالكترونية Over the past few years, information and communication technologies (ICT) and their advanced applications have produced a new administrative reality, manifested in the fall of many intellectual concepts and systems upon which administrative studies relied upon, where modern administrative methods have become …

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The Use of Electronic Advertising to Attract Users of Social Media Platforms Targeting Options and Imperative Receive

إستراتيجية الإشهار الإلكتروني في جذب مستخدمي منصات التواصل الاجتماعي خيارات الاستهداف وحتمية التلقي The Internet has introduced a new type of advertising based on providing a unique service to customers based on their preferences while also lowering costs. It is distinguished by an infinite supply. It has become known as …

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The Electronic Signature as a proof of Evidence and the Scope of its Application – Comparative study

ميزان تفاوت حجية التوقيع الإلكتروني ونطاق تطبيقه-  دراسة مقارنة – The world has witnessed steady changes and development at all levels, especially in the technological and innovation fields. Accordingly, the world has become a small village, thanks to the considerable advances of the means of communication, which transmit the information, …

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The Narrative Structure in Muhammad Ali Al-Khafaji’s Poetic Plays

البنية السردية في مسرحيات محمد علي الخفاجي الشعرية This research seeks to build a picture of the narrative structure in the plays of the poet Muhammad Ali Al-Khafaji, and the narrative structure has been filled with great interest in the field of literary criticism and analysis of narrative discourse, in …

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An interface approach to the transqualitative writing phenomenon in the novel “Desert of Thirst” by Ibn Sayeh Al-Akhdar

مقاربة بينية لظاهرة الكتابة عبر النوعية في رواية “صحراء الظمأ” لابن السائح الأخضر The study deals with the phenomenon of writing across quality by incorporating more than one literary genre beyond the artistic traditions of the same type, so it is based on the law of transformation, going beyond the …

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The problem of the enemy and the Internet

A descriptive approach to the dialectic of relationship and Influence إشكالية العدو والإنترنت مقاربة وصفية حول جدلية العلاقة والتأثير This research paper examines the problem of the enemy and the Internet, with an explanation of the concept of the enemy and its characteristics and identification of its forms and mechanisms …

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Composition of the nominative and verbal sentence in Surat An-Naml An analytical descriptive study

تركيب الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في سورة النمل “دراسة وصفية تحليلية” This research deals with the study of the nominative and verbal sentence in Surat “An-Naml” in terms of its patterns and grammatical structures, as “syntactic structures are one of the levels of linguistic analysis. Ejected. What this research means is …

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An interface approach to the trans qualitative writing phenomenon in the novel “Desert of Thirst” by Ibn Sayeh Al-Akhdar

مقاربة بينية لظاهرة الكتابة عبر النوعية في رواية “صحراء الظمأ” لابن السائح  الأخضر The study deals with the phenomenon of writing across quality by incorporating more than one literary genre beyond the artistic traditions of the same type, so it is based on the law of transformation, going beyond the …

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The Symbolism of Water in Moroccan Folk Proverbs – Anthropological Study –

رمزية الماء في الأمثال الشعبية المغربية – دراسة أنثروبولوجية – The Western man saw the presence of water in his area as one of God’s inestimable graces, and he could not give thanks for it, because its place is above every station. Therefore, he was most connected with water in …

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The symbolique dimension in folk myth The Legend of the Bride of the Rain as a model

البعد الرمزي في الأسطورة الشعبية “أسطورة عروس المطر نموذجا” This study aims at analyzing the legend of the Bride of the Rain (Tislet n Anzar), it through its definition and classification, by adopting the symbolic analysis method in order to clarify its meanings and connotations, and decipher its symbols: the …

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