أخبار عاجلة

The Symbolism of Water in Moroccan Folk Proverbs – Anthropological Study –

رمزية الماء في الأمثال الشعبية المغربية

– دراسة أنثروبولوجية –

The Western man saw the presence of water in his area as one of God’s inestimable graces, and he could not give thanks for it, because its place is above every station. Therefore, he was most connected with water in his joys and sorrows, so the connotations and symbols of water multiplied in the popular imagination in a region, and this magical liquid appeared clearly in his oral aphorisms through which we touch the Gharbawi Bedouin reality in a group of aphoristic art.

In this article, we will try to monitor the symbolism of water and its representations through the most important of these popular sayings and the most widely circulated in the western region, which is “folk proverbs.” This is the gate through which the popular man makes his culture and produces his expressive goods and creates his hopes, dreams, experiences and facts, thus becoming a definitive verbal authority that imposes The recipient must submit, obey, and submit to him, and perhaps that is mainly due to the deep ideological load that it possesses, which collected the juice and wisdom of life experiences, which greatly affected the individual and the group.

Keywords: Symbolism of Water, The Moroccan Folklore, The Moroccan Proverb, Anthropological Study.

Dr. Driss Lakhdar, Ibn Tofail University – MOROCCO

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.46 ( 1 أصوات)

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