أخبار عاجلة

Composition of the nominative and verbal sentence in Surat An-Naml An analytical descriptive study

تركيب الجملة الاسمية والفعلية في سورة النمل

“دراسة وصفية تحليلية”

This research deals with the study of the nominative and verbal sentence in Surat “An-Naml” in terms of its patterns and grammatical structures, as “syntactic structures are one of the levels of linguistic analysis. Ejected.

What this research means is to start from the Qur’an text in the study of simple and extended nominal sentence patterns, and simple and extended verbal sentences by extrapolating the verses of Surat “An-Naml” to monitor grammatical phenomena. In order to reach the desired results in shedding light on the secrets of the grammatical structures in that surah, by describing and analyzing.

Keywords: Sentence, Formula, Nominal Sentence, Verbal Sentence.

Jamila AL BAHWI, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, Al-Qurabat, Al-Jouf University – KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA

تقييم المستخدمون: 1.89 ( 2 أصوات)

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