البنية السردية في مسرحيات محمد علي الخفاجي الشعرية
This research seeks to build a picture of the narrative structure in the plays of the poet Muhammad Ali Al-Khafaji, and the narrative structure has been filled with great interest in the field of literary criticism and analysis of narrative discourse, in order to clarify the literary text, trying to discover poetics and clarify its limits and manifestations. The research will monitor a set of narrative concepts that are found in the poet’s plays, and we try to reveal these concepts by analyzing models from the plays of Muhammad Ali Al-Khafaji.
Keywords: Narrative, Narrative Elements, Character, Time and Place Structures.
Fatima abd al hamid Mohamed MAHDI, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Quran Language and Literature, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala – IRAQ
Sahib Karim SAHIB, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Quran Language and Literature, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Karbala – IRAQ