مقاربة بينية لظاهرة الكتابة عبر النوعية في رواية “صحراء الظمأ” لابن السائح الأخضر
The study deals with the phenomenon of writing across quality by incorporating more than one literary genre beyond the artistic traditions of the same type, so it is based on the law of transformation, going beyond the purity of the genre towards the inclusive speech with Interstitial multi-type formats, It aims to reveal the mechanisms of writing through the “Hebrew” of the novelist’s gender to answer the following question: What are the mechanisms of writing, experimentation and realized development strategies for the multiplicity of speeches in the novel? And what are the manifestations of multi-species interacting formulas? Since the one gender reproduces formulas, contents and types and creates itself, And it aims to detect the impact of textual interaction on the openness and development of texts and searching how these multi-sources are summoned which it abandon their special characteristics and it has new features from the general context which they were employed, and The structural approach has been used to detect interactive patterns and their structural relationships, As a result, we have come to the conclusion that the narrative writing of Ibn al-Sayeh al-Akhdar is based on an idea across quality and on the concept of integration and collaboration between types and forms, The contemporary Arabic novel has become like its Western counterparts aspires to high levels of experimentation targeting artistic and aesthetic influence By experimenting with various structures and aesthetic patterns in order to apply to the modernity of writing through the continuous development path of its artistic tools and narrative language.
Keywords: Writing, Trans, Qualitative, Type, Genre.
Akilla MESSAITFA, Doctor, University of Ghardaïa – ALGERIA