الأربعاء , أبريل 24 2024

العدد الرابع عشر

Seyyid Kutub’a göre Sosyal Adalet ve Irkçılığı Ele Alma Rolü

العدالة الاجتماعية ودورها في معالجة العنصرية عند سيد قطب Bu çalışma, toplumsal adaletin ırkçılıkla mücadeledeki rolünü ve Profesör Seyyid Kutub’un gözünden toplumsal adaletin temellerini ele almaktadır. Araştırmacı, analitik induktif yöntemi kullanarak bu temellerin ırkçılıkla mücadeleye nasıl katkı sağladığını ortaya koymuştur. Seyyid Kutub’a göre, toplumsal adaletin temelleri üç önemli unsura dayanmaktadır: …

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The Role of Palestinian Universities in Enhancing the Intellectual Security from the Students’ Views and its relationship to the Need for Knowledge

دور الجامعات الفلسطينية في تعزيز الأمن الفكري لدى طلبتها من وجهة نظرهم وعلاقته بالحاجة إلى المعرفة The study aimed to identify the level of intellectual security and the need for knowledge among Palestinian university students, and to uncover the role of Palestinian universities in enhancing intellectual security among their students …

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Consequences of China-Russian Rapprochement on International balances

التقارب الصيني-الروسي لتحقيق الرخاء المشترك وتداعياته على التوازنات الدولية The study aims to monitor the Russian-Chinese rapprochement to achieve prosperity for the two countries and its outcomes on international balances as part of the Russian strategy (turning towards the east because the Russian elite realizes the importance of developing relations …

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Arab Political Regimes Patterns of Governance and the Crisis of Legitimacy

الأنظمة السياسية العربية أنماط الحكم وأزمة الشرعية This research paper analyzes the political regimes in the Arab world since independence and their legitimacy. It examines three styles of government: hereditary, republican, and military. Hereditary regimes pass power within ruling families based on historical or religious legitimacy. Republican regimes derive legitimacy …

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The Scientific Movement Existed in the First Five Centuries of the Hijrah

الحركة العلمية ببُست في القرون الخمسة الأولى من الهجرة This research aims to shed light on the scientific and literary movement that took place in the region of Boost in the first five centuries of the Hijrah. Schools, Councils of Scholars, and the Contributions of Boostians to Sharia Sciences that …

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Al-Maqasidi Approach to Reforming Doctrine in Ahmed Raisouni’s perspective

المدخل المقاصدي لإصلاح العقيدة عند أحمد الريسوني The purposes (maqasid) serve as the methodological framework and guiding thread of the reformist vision of Ahmed Rissouni. The presence of the purposes in his approach to issues contributes to an effective civilizational development in achieving the desired principle of succession through generations. …

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The Shariah Foundations of the Theory of Supply and Demand in Islamic Economics and its Shariah Principles

التأصيل الشرعي لنظرية العرض والطلب في الاقتصاد الإسلامي وضوابطها الشرعية The legal grounding of the theory of supply and demand is an important topic for economists and social scientists who seek to analyze market developments and determine the balance between supply and demand in light of Islamic law. This research …

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The generality of mass concern in Islamic reason and it discipline

قاعدة عموم البلوی فی الشریعة الاسلامیة أسبابا وضبطا This article contains a basic research that aims to explain the truth of the mass concern a (general affliction), the legitimacy, causes and relationship of the mass concern (general affliction) with the purposes of the sharia, its connection with the sharia evidences …

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