السبت , أبريل 27 2024

العدد الثاني والثلاثون

The Effectiveness of Family Psychological Counseling to develop the Skills of Mothers of Children with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities at Alti Local Center Al-Kamleen – Sudan

This research aims at finding out the effectiveness of family psychological counseling to develop the skills of mothers for their children with moderate intellectual disabilities to achieve this goal The researcher used the quasi-experimental approach, on a sample of five families and their children in Alti Local Center Al-Kamleen – …

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Forms of analogy and metaphor in the poetry of Abdullah bin Rawaha, Applied study

من وجوه التشبيه والاستعارة في شعر الصحابي الجليل عبد الله بن رواحة، دراسة تطبيقية Abdullah bin Rawaha is one of the three poets of the Islamic call along with Hassan bin Thabit and Kaab bin Malik, those who employed poetry to serve religion and defend the Prophet Muhammad and repel …

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The position of Sheikh Muhammad Ulech Uweda to words the origins of grammatical syntax: Inductive and Descriptive Study

موقف الشيخ محمد عليش عووضة من أصول النحوالعربي دراسة استقرائية وصفية Sheikh Muhammad Ulech Uweda، may God have mercy on him was considered to be one of the most prominent scholars of Chad in the twentieth century. He is credited with developing formal Arab education. This research focuses on his …

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Russian military intervention in Syria between domination of the strategic passages of gas towards Europe and national securities

التدخل العسكري الروسي في سوريا بين الهيمنة على الممرات الإستراتيجية للغاز نحو أوروبا والأمن القومي The Russian regime has worked to support its ally, the Syrian regime, not only for the benefit of the latter, but also because Syria is considered for the Russians a vital and very important issue …

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“The role of historical studies carried out by Darah King Abdul-Aziz about archaeological sites in the Medina and its effect region in making the royal decision to establish a royal commission specialized in the development of Al-Ula Governorate and archaeological sites in 2017 AD”

“دور الدراسات التاريخية التي قامت بها دارة الملك عبدالعزيز عن المواقع الأثرية بمنطقة المدينة المنورة في صناعة القرار الملكي بإنشاء هيئة ملكية متخصصة بتطوير محافظة العلا ومواقعها الأثرية عام 2017م “ This research sheds light on the importance of research centers and their role in the political decision-making, as it …

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Juvenile legal protection during investigation in Moroccan legislation

الحماية القانونية للحدث أثناء التحقيق في التشريع المغربي This study is concerned with the legal protection of the juvenile during the investigation stage in the Moroccan legislation, through which the most prominent legal guarantees granted to the juvenile before the investigating judge were addressed, whether when he was interrogated or …

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