أخبار عاجلة

“The role of historical studies carried out by Darah King Abdul-Aziz about archaeological sites in the Medina and its effect region in making the royal decision to establish a royal commission specialized in the development of Al-Ula Governorate and archaeological sites in 2017 AD”

“دور الدراسات التاريخية التي قامت بها دارة الملك عبدالعزيز عن المواقع الأثرية بمنطقة المدينة المنورة في صناعة القرار الملكي بإنشاء هيئة ملكية متخصصة بتطوير محافظة العلا ومواقعها الأثرية عام 2017م “

This research sheds light on the importance of research centers and their role in the political decision-making, as it is not seen that these decisions have roots and consequences, and that the form of the decision is issued only after study and awareness. It has been noted that Saudi decision-making regarding tourism is closely linked to scientific research centers, and among these important research centers is the  darah King Abdulaziz, which is one of the most important scientific centers pioneering the movement of documenting and preserving the antiquities and history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular, and the history of the Arabian Peninsula in general.

As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued a decision in 2017 AD to transform the Al-Ula Governorate of the Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah region into a global tourism center, and international partnerships were held in this regard. The analytical historical approach in this research, to extrapolate the results that highlight the efforts of the Darah King Abdulaziz and its impact on making this historical decision.

Keywords: History, Research Centers, Al-Ula, The Royal Commission for Al-Ula.

Aiesha Ismail ALEM, Postgraduate Student, College of Arts and Humanities, Taibah University – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.51 ( 1 أصوات)

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