العقوبات الأمريكية وأثرها على الاقتصاد السوداني
This paper deals with the economic effects of the US sanctions on Sudan. The paper aims to identify the concept of sanctions and their forms. The paper also aims at the most important US sanctions on Sudan. The paper also aims to identify the most important economic effects on the US sanctions on Sudan. The paper used both the historical approach and the methodology. Descriptive to identify the historical development of US sanctions on Sudan. The paper also uses the analytical approach to identify the most important economic impacts on US sanctions in Sudan. Forms of American sanctions on Sudan in political, economic and informational sanctions, the political administration in both Sudan and the United States of America should overthrow the principle of common interest in building relations between the two countries. Sudan should rely on investing its internal resources to cover the deficit caused by the American sanctions on Sudan.
Keywords: Economic Sanctions, Agricultural Exports, Banking Sector.
Ishag Ahmed Mohamed EISSA, Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Development Studies, El Daein University – SUDAN