أخبار عاجلة

Russian military intervention in Syria between domination of the strategic passages of gas towards Europe and national securities

التدخل العسكري الروسي في سوريا بين الهيمنة على الممرات الإستراتيجية للغاز نحو أوروبا والأمن القومي

The Russian regime has worked to support its ally, the Syrian regime, not only for the benefit of the latter, but also because Syria is considered for the Russians a vital and very important issue for a set of factors, the most important of which is the port of Tartous and the issue of gas pipelines, which the West tried to besiege Russia with other alternative pipelines, the Syrian lands being among the most important of all. Because of its strategic location linking Asia with Europe, Syria’s rejection of the Qatari-Turkish plan to be a strategic passage for Qatari gas towards Europe precipitated the emergence of many forces supporting the fall of the Syrian regime, which explains Russia’s entry into the Syrian arena with all its military might as a precedent in Russia’s history after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Keywords: Russia, Gas Pipeline, Qatar, Syria.

Dr. Ouassfi BEN MUSSA, Researcher in international relations, Abdelmalek Saadi University Tetouan – Kingdom of MOROCCO

تقييم المستخدمون: 5 ( 1 أصوات)

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