من وجوه التشبيه والاستعارة في شعر الصحابي الجليل عبد الله بن رواحة، دراسة تطبيقية
Abdullah bin Rawaha is one of the three poets of the Islamic call along with Hassan bin Thabit and Kaab bin Malik, those who employed poetry to serve religion and defend the Prophet Muhammad and repel the harm of the poets of the polytheists. The problem of this research is based on looking at the artistic aspect of the poetry of the Islamic call and its impact on keeping pace with the poetry of the polytheists and responding to them, through the study of the artistic image in the poetry of Abdullah bin Rawahah, especially analogy and metaphor. To achieve this goal, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach and its various tools such as description, induction and analysis. The research was divided into three sections, the first about his life, Islam, morals, wars, and his martyrdom in the Battle of Mutah. The second about his poetic purposes in the pre-Islamic and Islamic eras as one of the veteran poets. The third is about the impact of the artistic image on his Islamic poetry through analogy and metaphor. One of the results is that the poets of the Islamic call were able to repel the harm of the poets of the polytheists as they were able to threaten them with Muslim armies, and that poetry was a weapon in battles and that its psychological impact on the hearts of the polytheists is greater than the impact of swords and spears.
Keywords: Islamic Poetry, Abdullah bin Rawahah, Analogy, Metaphor.
Taher ASSAF, Graduate Student, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya – TÜRKİYE