الجمعة , أبريل 26 2024

العدد الثاني والثلاثون

Citizenship theory between education and practice Analytical – Critical Study

نظرية المواطنة بين التربية والممارسة دراسة تحليلية – نقدية The research aims to study the theory of citizenship and clarify the role of education in consolidating the values and practice of citizenship among members of society, in addition to knowing the primary ingredients for establishing citizenship in contemporary societies. The …

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The level of nutritional health perceptions among secondary school students

مستوى المدركات الصحية الغذائية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية The study aimed to reveal the level of nutritional health perceptions among secondary school students, and for this purpose the descriptive approach was used, to collect data from the field, the nutritional health perception scale was distributed to secondary school students in …

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Cloud computing and its relationship to e-learning and its employment in Sudanese universities – Case study: El Daein University

الحوسبة السحابية وعلاقتها بالتعليم الإلكتروني وتوظيفها في الجامعات السودانية دراسة حالة: جامعة الضعين The world had faced tremendous challenges due to rapid changes in social and economic aspects such as COVID19 which led to high consideration of electronic learning because it’s agreed with precautions to avoid infection by corona virus. …

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The signs and meanings of phonetic movements in Arabic and their secrets

الدلالة المعنويّة للحركات العربية This article is one of the significant matter in morphophonemic, which is based on meaning and concepts and its sole focus is on meaning and concepts of phonemic movements of Arabic language from among other meaning and concepts, such as Arabs, morphological structure. The importance of …

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“Poem of Processions” by the poet Salih Al-Sharnoubi, a rhetorical and critical study

“قصيد المواكب” للشاعر صالح الشرنوبي دراسة بلاغية نقدية The researchers dealt with poetry from many angles and different purposes, so that the interpretive approaches and mechanisms abounded, and this research comes to delve into the depths of the poetic text in order to show the beauty of the rhetorical secrets …

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Forms of analogy and metaphor in the poetry of Abdullah bin Rawaha, Applied study

المسائل الطبية المستجدة في العالم العربي Current Medical Issues in the Arab World Bu araştırma, çağımızda yaygınlaşan yeni tıbbi vakaları sunmaya, odaklanan temel bir soruna dayanmaktadır, ve bu meseleler ilgili dini hükümleri açıklaması, Günümüzde toplumda bu tür vakaların yaygınlığı göz ardı edilemez İnsanlar da bu meselelerde fıkhın hükmünü soruyorlar. Bunun …

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