أخبار عاجلة

Citizenship theory between education and practice Analytical – Critical Study

نظرية المواطنة بين التربية والممارسة

دراسة تحليلية – نقدية

The research aims to study the theory of citizenship and clarify the role of education in consolidating the values and practice of citizenship among members of society, in addition to knowing the primary ingredients for establishing citizenship in contemporary societies. The research relied on the analytical-critical approach in studying, analysing, interpreting, and criticizing the subject of the research. The research also reached a set of results, the most important of which is that the concept of citizenship is a set of rights and duties recognized by a democratic society as the main incubator for embodying the concept of citizenship at the educational and applied levels. Rights and duties among members of the same society, and on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and acceptance of the other, and with regard to the practice of citizenship, the research concluded that citizenship is not a ready-made recipe that can be applied automatically, but rather an acquired behavior and practice in light of a set of ingredients and conditions that must be met, such as equality, justice, loyalty and belonging Participation and responsibility. In the end, the research recommended the need for the democratic empowerment of society as the basic ground for educating members of society on the principles and values of citizenship, in addition to holding educational seminars and awareness programs through cultural centers and social media to familiarize members of society with the meanings of citizenship, its rights and duties, and the research recommended the need to reconsider the curricula Education through approving the teaching of the citizenship education course (citizenship education) in order to familiarize students in all pre-university educational stages with the meanings, rights and duties of citizenship in order to practice them when they engage in community life. In the end, the research recommended the need to activate the role of civil society organizations to spread and strengthen the values and principles of legal and political citizenship among members of society, to consolidate the concepts of national identity, belonging and loyalty to the homeland, and active participation voluntary work.

Keywords: Theory, Citizenship, Education, Practice.

Dr. Hossam Aldin FAYAD, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Sociological Theory, Department of Sociology – Faculty of Arts, Mardin Artuklu University – TÜRKİYE

تقييم المستخدمون: 4.82 ( 3 أصوات)

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