أخبار عاجلة

The style of the briefness and its most famous ways and sections

أسلوب القصر وأشهر طرقه وأقسامه

The Briefness method is one of the methods required to express the meaning accurately and deeply, and it is one of the most capable methods of argumentation and invocation, as evidenced by its frequent use in the Holy Qur’an. Shortening: the language of confinement, idiomatically: specifying something for something in a specific way, the most famous ways of shortening: negation and exception, but rather, presenting what is entitled to delay, sympathy with “no, but, but.” I mentioned the location of the restricted one in the Briefness ways.

And I mentioned: the divisions of Briefness in consideration of the belief of the speaker or in consideration of the truth and reality, and its divisions in consideration of the condition of the excluded or in consideration of the two parties, and its divisions in consideration of the condition of the address.

Then a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important results of the research, including that shortening is one of the methods of emphasis in the Arabic language; Also, its indication of brevity, because the sentence of shortening is in the power of two sentences, the first affirmative and the second negative.

Keywords: Briefness, Briefness Ways, the Place of the Briefness, Sections of the Briefness.

Aida Abdel Aziz Mohamed ZALOUK

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Al-Jouf University, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls, Zagazig, Al-Azhar University, EGYPT

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