الثلاثاء , أبريل 30 2024

العدد الرابع عشر

The Question of Methodology in Linguistics: Transformations from René Descartes’ Concept of Reality to the Concept of Virtual Reality

سؤال المنهج في اللسانيات: تحوّلات من مفهوم الواقع عند رينيه ديكارت إلى مفهوم الواقع الافتراضي This study seeks to identify the ontological and epistemological foundations of linguistic theory, in light of recent developments in scientific practice that takes language as its object. It requires a reconsideration of the existential concept …

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Arabic sentence structure between restrictions The two systems: grammatical and rhetorical

بنية الجملة العربية بين قيودالنظامين: النحوي والبلاغي This study aims to investigate the system of the Arabic sentence and the arrangement of its units within an attributive structure that means intended or unintended meanings in regulating compounds that have the structure and consistency of its limbs and the harmony of …

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Review and analysis of Aryan myths in the poems of Mir Bahadur Wasifi

دراســة وتحليل الأساطیرالآریة فــي أشـعـــار میـر بــهـــادر واصـــفـي Myth is one of the important genres in Persian literature, the study of myth as a type of human worldview has the same cultural value as other human worldviews (scientific and philosophical). Myth has an impact not only on the worldview of …

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The social state in Morocco between the foundations and foundations and the download

الدولة الاجتماعية بالمغرب بين الأسس والمرتكزات والتنزيل The Corona pandemic (Covid-19) had a major role in highlighting the shortcomings and problems experienced by all sectors in Morocco, and the social sectors in particular, which contributed to accelerating Morocco’s adoption of the initiative to consolidate the foundations of the social state …

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Historical analysis and the use of modern techniques in the study of Narratives Sources of Islamic History

التحليل التاريخي وتوظيف التقنيات الحديثة في دراسة روايات مصادر التاريخ الاسلامي This study seeks to introduce one of the most important foundations of the historical research method, which represents the basis and pillar of the historical study, which is the historical analysis and criticism of historical texts in the sources …

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Mauritanian Press in context of pluralism: Acquisitions and challenges

الصحافة الموريتانية في ظل التعددية: المكاسب والتحديات This study primarily focused on the significant acquisitions that occurred in the Mauritanian written media following the introduction of media pluralism through the constitution in July 1991. Additionally, it examined the main challenges encountered by the Mauritanian written media during this period. The …

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The role of Tamazight TV channel in enhancing cultural and linguistic awareness of the Amazigh and promoting cultural identity in Morocco

دور قناة تمازيغت المغربية في تعميق الوعي الثقافي واللغوي الأمازيغي وتعزيز الهوية الثقافية في المغرب This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of the Moroccan Tamazight channel, in promoting Amazigh culture within the on increasing cultural and linguistic awareness, among the Amazigh population. The study utilized …

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Travel and recovery in the south-east of Morocco during the 19th century

الترحال والانتجاع بالجنوب الشرقي المغربي خلال القرن 19م This article examines an aspect of the life of travel and recovery in the south-east of Morocco during the 19th century, focusing on the characteristics of pastoral life in the region in a period characterized by several changes associated with several factors, …

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The advertising of medicinal and medical products and its role in the fight against diseases and epidemics in Morocco during the protectorate period

إشهار المنتجات الدوائية والطبية ودوره في مكافحة الأمراض والأوبئة في المغرب خلال فترة الحماية The advertising of medicines and therapeutic pharmaceutical products is unique. It differs from advertisements promoting other goods, products and services. However, advertising remains one of the means of promoting drug products and informing consumers of their …

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