أخبار عاجلة

Travel and recovery in the south-east of Morocco during the 19th century

الترحال والانتجاع بالجنوب الشرقي المغربي خلال القرن 19م

This article examines an aspect of the life of travel and recovery in the south-east of Morocco during the 19th century, focusing on the characteristics of pastoral life in the region in a period characterized by several changes associated with several factors, the most important of which is foreign intervention, as well as the effects of the latter on the pattern of travel, in addition to identifying the contribution of these effects to the emergence of various forms of resistance in this area, which had several repercussions on the life of the population, especially at the economic level. All this is to highlight the importance of these changes in the transformations of the southeast and their contribution to its entry under the yoke of foreign colonization since the beginning of the 20th century, and thus the region entered a new stage in its history along with several other regions in Morocco.

The article finally concluded by emphasizing the importance of travel and recovery in the economic life of the population, considering cattle breeding as an important resource in it, as well as the presence of a significant impact of foreign intervention in the southeast due to its interventions that targeted the resources of the population, which had long-term repercussions in subsequent periods.

Keywords: Traveling, Retreat, Southeast, Grazing.

Hicham BOUIZGARNE, Professor of qualifying secondary education, The regional academy for education and training in the district of Beni Mellal khenifra – Kingdom of MOROCCO

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