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Teaching the reading skill according to the competencies-based approach in the Moroccan school as a model

تدريس مهارة القراءة وفق المقاربة القائمة على الكفايات في المدرسة المغربية أنموذجاً

The study aimed to distinguish: the role of innovation in reading skills, the agreement of the sub-approach to the differences, in the Moroccan school as an example. The reality of the goal of the study was lost. The user used the descriptive application. “21” male and female teachers, male and female teachers of the first grade of primary school, were able to color the study. In the Kingdom of Meknes, Canada, there is a search tool for the form, which was directed to male and female teachers of the first grade of primary school.

The study reached the following results:

1- Most teachers agree that the teaching method according to the competency-based approach is appropriate in teaching the reading skill.

2- Most teachers believe that the teaching method according to the competency-based approach leads to students’ acquisition of linguistic skills and raises their academic achievement.

3- There is a great interest from teachers in their use of educational methods in teaching the skill of reading, and this helps to develop the teacher’s competence, and these methods work to reduce the teacher’s time and effort.

4- The nature of the reading texts is not very suitable for the level of students in the primary stage for several reasons, including: the difficulty of the reading texts contained in the curriculum, and the weakness of the primary stage learner in the ability to recognize the content, understand vocabulary, and become familiar with it.

5- Most teachers prefer to encourage their students with extracurricular activities represented by “public libraries,” because they work to refine the students’ personalities and develop their academic skills in the field of scientific research.

Keywords: Reading Skill, the Competency-Based Approach, The Moroccan School as a model.

Hazem H. H. QESHTA, PhD research student at the College of Arts and Humanities, Sultan Moulay Slimane University – MOROCCO

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