الأحد , أبريل 28 2024

The extent to which the concepts of preventive education are included in the content of the social studies curriculum for the third stage of the basic education stage

مدى تضمين مفاهيم التربية الوقائية في محتوى منهج الدراسات الاجتماعية للحلقة الثالثة لمرحلة التعليم الأساسي This study aimed to identify the extent to which preventive education concepts are included in the social studies curriculum content for the third stage of basic education. The study employed a descriptive analytical approach and …

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School Theater as an educational stimulating medium and its role in overcoming difficulties and developing the learner’s skills

المسرح المدرسي كوسيط تربوي تنشيطي ودوره في تجاوز الصعوبات وتنمية مهارات المتعلّم The school theater, as an educational medium, has the potential to bring about a transformation in the learner’s reality by breaking away from traditional, didactic methods. This is achieved through an understanding of the nature of theater, its …

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Stylistic Intertextuality began with Ahmed Shawqi’s opposition to Al-Busiri – Study and Analysis

التَّناصُ الأسلوبي في مُعارَضةِ أحمد شوقي للبوصيري – دراسة وتحليل Intertextuality is one of the terms that have sparked controversy in the modern critical arena almost since its appearance in the sixties of this century, and between conscious intertextuality and unconscious intertextuality came the research issue, which is based on …

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The “imaginary” image and its cultural connotations in contemporary plastic art

الصورة “الخيالية” ودلالاتها الثقافية في الفن التشكيلي المعاصر In the context of demonstrating the connection between the image and imagination and its cultural connotations, this research paper revolved around a complex research problem that hinged upon two hypotheses. The first investigated the role of imagination in providing knowledge while the …

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Using machine learning technique in house price predecting (baghdad as sample)

استخدام تقنيات تعليم الالة في التنبؤ بأسعار المنازل (مدينة بغداد انموذجاً) Continuous changing in house prices very rapid and observed in last years which depends on many factors like position, area, population in the city and another requirement for individual house price, there is a lot of articles studied and …

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Mauritanian official media and development…what is the relationship?

الإعلام الرسمي الموريتاني والتنمية.. أية علاقة؟ The research deals with the role of the official Mauritanian media (radio and television) in supporting development issues, through a field study that adopted a descriptive approach with an analysis of data based on opinion polls about listeners in more than one region of …

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The characters’ awareness in their search for the self according to Najib Al-Kilani, the novel “The Eternal Call” as an example

وعي الشّخصيّات في بحثها عن الذّات لدى نجيب الكيلاني رواية “النّداء الخالد” أنموذجًا The self in the narrative occupies a different horizon; it is a being, essence, and consciousness, which may sometimes coincide with the author’s own experience, but it does not limit itself to the role of a mirror …

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Submission, its concept and rank in the Holy Quran

التقديم مفهومه ورتبته في القرآن الكريم Introduction and delay are important rhetorical methods in the Arabic language, as they reflect high eloquence, fulfilling semantic purposes in the shortest phrase and briefest way. It has been mentioned extensively in the Holy Qur’an, and this method appears frequently in verses of rulings …

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Contemporary news persuasion methods An analytical study on a sample of local, Arab and international news websites

أساليب الإقناع الإخبارية المعاصرة: دراسة تحليلية على عينة من المواقع الإخبارية المحلية والعربية والعالمية The researcher has studied analytically the news websites (CNN, BBC, Sky News, Al Arabiya, Sabq, Akhbar Al-Aan, Al Sharq Al Awsat, News 24, Urgent), in terms of formal features, objective characteristics, and the foundations of their …

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The Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice – An analytical political jurisprudence study –

الأمر بالمعروف والنّهي عن المنكر – دراسة فقهيّة سياسيّة تحليليّة – The status of the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice is considered as the largest mandatory phenomena for the nation in the Islamic sharia, because this imposed situation presents a valuable mission, moral and correctional imperatives in …

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