مدى تضمين مفاهيم التربية الوقائية في محتوى منهج الدراسات الاجتماعية للحلقة الثالثة لمرحلة التعليم الأساسي
This study aimed to identify the extent to which preventive education concepts are included in the social studies curriculum content for the third stage of basic education. The study employed a descriptive analytical approach and used social studies books for the third stage of the basic education stage as the study sample. The study tool was an analysis form. The results revealed that the social problems ranked first among all previous concepts, with a total of (307) repetitions and a percentage of (53.48%) of the total books. Natural disasters concepts ranked second with (151) repetitions and a percentage of (26.31%), followed by the environmental risks concepts with (116) repetitions and a percentage of (20.21%). The ninth-grade curriculum had the highest number of preventive education concepts with (292) repetitions and a percentage of (50.87%), followed by the seventh-grade curriculum which ranked second with (157) repetitions and a percentage of (27.35%).The eighth grade curriculum ranked third with (125) repetitions and a percentage of (21.78%), which is a weak degree. The concept of fraud ranked first among social problems concepts in all grades, with (44) repetitions and a percentage of (14.33%). The concept of waste ranked first among environmental risks concepts with (32) repetitions and a percentage of (27.59%). The concept of fires ranked first among the natural disasters concepts with (45) repetitions and a percentage of (19.80%), which is a weak degree. In light of the findings, the study recommended including these concepts in the social studies curriculum.
Keywords: Concepts, Preventive Education, Social Studies.
Bushra Abdulaziz Mohammed AL-SAMAWI, PhD student, Social Studies Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University – Republic of YEMEN