الإثنين , أبريل 29 2024


Level of beyond-knowledge skills of Tlemcen University students

مستوى مهارات ما وراء المعرفة لدى طلبة جامعة تلمسان This study aims to identify the level of beyond-knowledge skills among students of university of Tlemcen. Therefore, the descriptive methodology has been adopted, the module of beyond-knowledge skills of “Mona Taouakul Al Sayed Ibrahim” was applied on a sample of about …

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Types of classroom management patterns in Arab secondary schools for girls in Abeche – A Field Study-

أنماط الإدارة الصفية السائدة في المدارس الثانوية العربية للبنات بمدينة ابشة-دراسة ميدانية- The study aimed to know the patterns of the grade management which prevalent in Arabic secondary schools for girls in Abeche town. From the views of school headmasters and female headmasters, the researcher followed the descriptive approach, and …

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The impact of narrative approach in improving listening skills development for the second level students of the Institute of Arabic Language for non-Arabic Speakers at the Islamic University of Madinah.

أثر المدخل القصصي في تنمية مهارة الاستماع لدى طلاب المستوى الثاني في معهد تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها بالجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة This research sought to achieve the following objectives as Identifying the listening skills that must be possessed by the second level students at the Institute of Arabic …

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Mani Müvesvis’in Şairliği Etkileme ile Etkilenme Arasında

Mani al Muwswis’s Poetry Between Influencing and Being Influenced شاعرية ماني الموسوس بين التأثير والتأثر Arabic poetry emerged based on one of the sides, the Artistic side. And since their previous state, poets have competed among themselves by qualifying that artistic side. And some critics gathered those poetic images in …

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GIS-based web Application Marketing: Turkey Historical Site in Khartoum

تطبيق ويب جغرافي لتسويق المعالم التركية التاريخية بالخرطوم باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية This paper illustrates the GIS-based Applications web marketing: Turkey Historical Site in Khartoum, The Motivation depend on Role Geoinformatics Technology for Evaluate the historical sites. The objectives are Analysis, Design, and Implementation Turkey Historical Site in Khartoum. The …

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Customs Scope, Subject Soil, Field Interventions of Customs Agents in Morocco

النطاق الجمركي، التراب الخاضع، التدخلات الميدانية لأعوان الجمارك بالمغرب In the context of the increased risk of national and international crime, Customs, by virtue of its location and area of intervention, is strengthening its vigilance, especially at the border, and is required to ensure the flow of trade. by reconciling …

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The Political Dimension of Chadian-Sudanese Relations under Tombelbay 1960-1975

البعد السياسي للعلاقات التشادية السودانية في عهد تومبلباي 1960-1975م The research endeavored to shed the light on the political side in relationship between Sudan and Chad in time of Tambalbi in 1960 to 1975 and addressed the role of Chadian emigrant community in Sudan, from its organization and its political …

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Holy wars in Christianity

الحروب المقدسة في المسيحية The research discusses an issue that is one of the most important historical and contemporary issues together, which is the issue of holy religious wars in Christianity, as religious wars are among the most historical events that have raised controversy in their legitimacy, and their compatibility …

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The order of the semantics of the words when they contradict A comparative study

ترتيب دلالات الالفاظ عند الاصوليين حال التعارض – دراسة مقارنة The study aims to identify the sections of semantics of utterances and the reality of the conflict in them, and the opinions of scholars in terms of their position in the topics of the science of jurisprudence, and how to …

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Coexistence and human respect under the guidance of Islam

التعايش والاحترام الإنساني تحت مظلة الإسلام The issue of peaceful coexistence and cultural communication between human societies is a contemporary issue of widespread controversy, due to several things, the most important of which is the unjust and racist treatment of some peoples in the past, but in light of the …

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