الخميس , أبريل 25 2024


The reality of organizational change management and its impact on the performance of the economic institution (a case study of the Algerian Water – Medea Unit-)

واقع ادارة التغيير التنظيمي وأثرها على أداء المؤسسة الاقتصادية (دراسة حالة الجزائرية للمياه –وحدة المدية-) Economic institutions today live in a volatile environment characterized by dynamic and continuous change and this has imposed on them the challenges that made them seek to keep pace with these changes and adapting them …

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The Problem of State Building and National Integration in Africa: The Identity Crisis

إشكالية بناء الدولة وتحقيق الاندماج الوطني في إفريقيا: أزمة الهوية The colonial phenomenon left an actual problem in the continent of Africa, represented in the incompleteness of the state building. It also clearly contributed to the establishment of a crisis of identity and national integration by drawing geographical lines that …

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Violence and crime in the Palestinian Arab community in Israel: characterization and projections

العنف والجريمة في المجتمع العربي الفلسطيني في اسرائيل: توصيف واسقاطات The Palestinian society in Israel is an indigenous community that lives on its own land where it used to practice its normal life for decades before the establishment of the state of Israel. Since the establishment of Israel, the Palestinian …

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Spatial-Temporal Variation of NO2 Levels and its Influencing Factors in the State of Libya Utilizing Sentinel-5P Products

التباين المكاني والزماني لمستويات ثاني أكسيد النيتروجين والعوامل المؤثرة فيه في دولة ليبيا باستخدام منتجات Sentinel-5P The overall aim of this study is to estimate the spatial-temporal variation of NO2 concentrations and its influencing factors in the State of Libya using the tools offered by Sentinel-5P TROPOMI, over the past …

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