السبت , أبريل 20 2024


Enterprise Geospatial Database Develop Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)

This study illustrates building and developing Geodatabase of Infectious Disease. This topic have faced many challenges depending on lack of information and participate knowledge. The problem of the study is the lack of studies and research and importance of geospatial Technology. The importance’s to support of decision-makers, Society and Customer. …

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The impact of COVID-19 on the Events Management Industry: Examining events in Qatar

Corona virus disease 2019, noted as COVID-19, is a severe virus that started in China, which affects mainly the respiratory system. Its danger relies in its high transmission tendency, which led to lockdowns of countries, stopping international airports, and cancellation of events, activities or any meetings including groupings of people, …

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The Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Housing Prices in Saudi Arabia Using Vector Auto-Regression Analysis

This paper examined how housing prices were determined by some macroeconomic factors in Saudi Arabia. Variables used are Gross Domestic Product Per capita (GDPP), Consumer Prices Index (CPI), and Unemployment Rate (UNEMP). Quarterly data for a period (2014q1 – 2019q4) were collected from publications of Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA). …

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A brief report on the virtual international forum on: Distance education at the Algerian University in the face of the challenges of the Corona pandemic

تقرير موجز عن الملتقى الدولي الافتراضي حول:التعليم عن بُعد في الجامعة الجزائرية في مواجّهة تحديات جائحة كورونا The current report includes the intellectual and constructive foundations of the project of the virtual international forum on the topic of problems, objectives with reference to the context of thinking, and also includes …

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Campaign results and repercussions Hannibal’s military over Italy across the Alps (218-202 BC)

نتائج وتداعيات حملة حنبعل العسكرية على إيطاليا عبر جبال الألب (218-202 ق.م.) The Carthaginian leader Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps constitutes a military achievement in itself, a victory for Hannibal’s will, a good organization and overcoming all difficulties, and a continuation of his assertion of the Carthaginian sovereignty within the Italian …

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Saharan Development and the Role of Civil and Political Societies, Scientific Approach to the City of Timimon, ALGERIA

التنمية الصحراوية ودور المجتمعين المدني والسياسي، مقاربة علمية لمدينة تميمون، الجزائر Algeria is a diverse country in terms of population, climate, and the variety of its desert, mountain, forest, and sea regions. Furthermore, the nation has a total size of 2.381.741 km2. The desert covers more than 75% of the …

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The role of the food industry sector in diversifying the sources of financing economic development in Algeria

دور قطاع الصناعة الغذائية في تنويع مصادر تمويل التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر This study aims to stand on the reality of the food industry sector in Algeria, as one of the most important economic sectors that can be relied upon in doubling and diversifying the sources of national income. foreign …

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The role of the story in the development of some language skills necessary for learners of Arabic for non-native speakers at the Ghana Language Institute

  (Speaking and reading skills as an example) دور القصة في تنمية بعض المهارات اللغوية الضرورية لمتعلمي اللغة العربية الناطقين بغيرها في معهد اللغات بغانا ( مهارتي التحدث والقراءة أنموذجا ) This research aims to identify the speaking and reading skills that non-Arabic speakers must possess at the Ghana Institute of …

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