أخبار عاجلة

Campaign results and repercussions Hannibal’s military over Italy across the Alps (218-202 BC)

نتائج وتداعيات حملة حنبعل العسكرية على إيطاليا عبر جبال الألب (218-202 ق.م.)

The Carthaginian leader Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps constitutes a military achievement in itself, a victory for Hannibal’s will, a good organization and overcoming all difficulties, and a continuation of his assertion of the Carthaginian sovereignty within the Italian peninsula, as well as the completion of the operations that had previously been started by his father Hamilcar Barca. Crossing to the Alps because of the severe cold and heavy snow that might prevent him from continuing his military campaign against Rome. Despite the difficult road and the dangers it faced, in addition to the forceful climatic conditions, he managed to cross the Alps. His goal was to cross the Italian peninsula to besiege it, despite the Carthaginian army facing many troubles during this campaign.

Keywords: Hannibal, Hamilcar  Barca, Alps, Italian peninsula

Doctor: Soufiane Boukhari, Researcher in ancient and contemporary history – Ibn Tofail University – Kenitra – Morocco

تقييم المستخدمون: 3.31 ( 2 أصوات)

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