أخبار عاجلة

A brief report on the virtual international forum on: Distance education at the Algerian University in the face of the challenges of the Corona pandemic

تقرير موجز عن الملتقى الدولي الافتراضي حول:التعليم عن بُعد في الجامعة الجزائرية في مواجّهة تحديات جائحة كورونا

The current report includes the intellectual and constructive foundations of the project of the virtual international forum on the topic of problems, objectives with reference to the context of thinking, and also includes the most prominent procedural steps to implement the demonstration represented in the axes and the methodology of working on them through programming and directing the discussion, to conclude with the most important tangible results, which are the recommendations.

Keywords: Distance Education; Algerian University; Dual Education; Electronic Management; Corona Pandemic.

Responsible for the event: Prof. Dr. Nadia Said Aichour, Professor of Sociology

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