التنمية الصحراوية ودور المجتمعين المدني والسياسي، مقاربة علمية لمدينة تميمون، الجزائر
Algeria is a diverse country in terms of population, climate, and the variety of its desert, mountain, forest, and sea regions. Furthermore, the nation has a total size of 2.381.741 km2. The desert covers more than 75% of the overall land area. The hilly, Tal’i, and coastal regions in the north house the majority of the people. The desert side of the property is overgrown. In the Algerian desert east, there are enormous agricultural lands that can meet all of the country’s demands as well as exports. The South is surrounded by beautiful tourism attractions and landscapes. All of these regions are included in the International Desert Car Race, which takes place in the province of Adrar in the Great South. The proportion of actual and sustainable development is not as high as it should be. The North’s share of genuine and long-term development is not the same as the South’s. Furthermore, there is no long-term strategic strategy for the region’s future.
Keywords: sustainable development, Saharan development, civil society and political society.
Dr. Hattab HATTAB, University of Mohamed bin Ahmed Oran 2 – ALGERIA